July 18, 2024
Securing corporate value

Our services

We offer three complementary solutions for boards, manage cyber risk and protect shareholder value

Cyber Governance, Risk & Compliance
Reviewing cyber governance systems and effectiveness

We bring our extensive knowledge of cyber best practices to advise you on the effectiveness of your cyber governance and how to improve it.

Typical Projects
  • Cyber risk management strategy

  • Cyber reporting systems

  • Cyber maturity reviews

  • Security organisational design

  • Security programme assurance

  • Cyber software advice

  • Cyber program delivery

Cyber Training and Recruitment
Building skills and capabilities

We work with you and your teams to build the cyber knowledge, skills and capabilities of your Board, Directors and senior executives.

Typical Projects
  • Board education/training workshops on cyber

  • Recruiting Cyber experts for boards as NEDs and/or advisors to risk and audit committees.

  • Recruiting experienced CISOs

  • NED 1:1 training programs

Cyber Incident Management
Advising on prevention and mitigation, as well as immediate response and remediation

Addressing a cyber incident requires strong coordination across a range of functions and external service providers. We can advise on who to focus where, and the best external partners to bring in for your specific cyber crisis.

Typical Projects and Partner Services
  • Cyber incident planning

  • Cyber scenario testing

  • Cyber incident planning

  • Cyber control assurance testing

  • Penetration testing and code testing

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