September 20, 2024

On the 23rd of February 3 US technology and military leaders met in front of the US Senate Armed Services Committee to testify in public on Emerging Technologies and their impact on Nation Security.  Dr Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, Brad Smith president of Microsoft Corporation and General (Ret) “Hawk” Carlisle the president and CEO of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) met the committee to discuss emerging technologies, including quantum computing, bio-technology, hypersonics and 5G.  The ability of the Department of Defence to adopt these technologies, the impact they will have on national security and how these technologies will be delivered to fighting forces.  Considering the growing dominance of China in these fields and the threat it poses to National Security.

In an at times sobering and challenging session the 3 were addressed by Senators, who showed their concerns of the challenges which lay ahead.  Facing what they perceive is a clear threat from a superpower with different ideological view, the financial strength and a clear record of IP theft.  It revealed the challenges ahead for the US, the technological gaps between the two superpowers and the obvious dichotomy of having critical Intellectual Property (IP) stolen and the need to source skilled resources for Research & Development, whilst protecting fighting forces.

If you want to understand the challenges ahead for the new administration; the impact on National Security of the development of new technologies then this is worth watching.

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